Telephone managent system, Telephone Management Application
General Introduction:
The TMA is used to monitor the activity and health of J&R Analogue Telephones product. The reports and information provided by TMA can prove useful in reducing maintenance labor costs and greatly reduce liabilities typically associated with an emergency communication system.

TMA runs continuously on a dedicated personal computer by using one (or more) telephone line compatible modems or a Local Area Network (LAN) to gather status information from each telephone at regular intervals. In addition, the System Manager uses TMA to remotely adjust the behavior of individual telephones. These updates are either sent to the phone immediately or are held to be sent during the next scheduled health-check maintenance call.
TMA provides an at-a-glance view of the status of the telephones as well as customizable reporting in the form of scheduled printed reports, and reports generated on demand.

General Introduction:
The TMA is used to monitor the activity and health of J&R Analogue Telephones product. The reports and information provided by TMA can prove useful in reducing maintenance labor costs and greatly reduce liabilities typically associated with an emergency communication system.

TMA runs continuously on a dedicated personal computer by using one (or more) telephone line compatible modems or a Local Area Network (LAN) to gather status information from each telephone at regular intervals. In addition, the System Manager uses TMA to remotely adjust the behavior of individual telephones. These updates are either sent to the phone immediately or are held to be sent during the next scheduled health-check maintenance call.
TMA provides an at-a-glance view of the status of the telephones as well as customizable reporting in the form of scheduled printed reports, and reports generated on demand.