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The increase in the price of building materials in Bulgaria has reached new heights. Due to delayed imports and high demand, families from Blagoevgrad have been waiting half a year for their homes to be repaired. There is also a labor shortage in the construction sector.
Replacement of roofs, renovation and complete repair of single-family houses and apartments. These are the main orders with which Mehmed Sabitov's brigade is inundated. The increase in the price of building materials and inflation do not stop people from repairing or refreshing their homes.
"If you do one renovation of an apartment, if it cost 15 thousand BGN last year, now it will cost 30 thousand BGN. It is the same with the roofs," said Mehmed Sabitov, head of a construction crew.
"There is even a three-fold increase in some of the materials. The increase is mainly for metals and thermal insulation. The materials are there, but they are expensive. The speculation is deliberate," added Valery Bayraktarski, a building materials trader.
Delayed imports and high demand make dozens of residents of Blagoevgrad wait for months for the planned repair. Mehmed Sabitov's list of work orders is filled until September next year.
"Demand has increased by 15-20% more than in previous years. The issue is that there are no such people to deal with construction. They don't want to deal with it. Most of them go abroad because they make more money there," he added.
According to those working in the industry, due to the shortage of personnel, we may soon have to import labor from Turkey and Greece.
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